Myers Chimney provides an inspection that meets the requirements of a NFPA 211 Level 1 Inspection with every chimney sweep.
This meets the Standard established by the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA 211 Chapters 14 - 15). Ian Myers maintained certification with the Chimney Safety Institute of America for 3 years to confirm his comprehension of the NFPA 211 Standard, which is the basis of their program. Every invoice will clearly state the soot / creosote conditions that were present in the chimney before the sweep as well as any observed conditions of the chimney and flue. This is good information for you to present to your insurance company as proof that you are meeting the Fire Code requirement for chimney service. This is not a WETT- Inspection. If a WETT Inspection was requested and performed it will be listed in the invoice description.
Upon arrival at your home we will decide the most appropriate sweeping method. We have 3 separate brush, pole & rod systems that can deal with almost any configuration that is encountered.
It will also be determined whether or not your chimney will be swept from above or below. We have a telescoping, flexible rod and brush that is capable of negotiating chimney and flue pipe offsets from the bottom of the chimney up to 50ft.
95% of our chimney sweeps are executed from the appliance upwards with our sophisticated sweep systems. Your stove or fireplace will be tarped and our highest quality Swedish HEPA filtered vacuum will be utilized to control any dust by applying negative pressure inside the fire box.
If you have any questions about our processes please ask the technician. Our goal is to sweep your chimney system thoroughly and our knowledge and equipment is up to the task.
If your system has any residual creosote after your service that you should be aware of it will be indicated on your sweep report. In rare cases, we will advise treatment with creosote conditioners, per manufacturers instructions. Appropriate sweeping frequency and quality of fuel with correct burning habits thereafter is your best method of avoiding hazardous future deposits in your chimney. Our sweep report is designed to give you the feedback you need to determine your own sweeping requirements.
Lastly, relating to sweeping cost. We have always used a flat rate system. A very small percentage of the time we are confronted with very inefficient systems or customers using green or wet wood that produces high creosote levels or even a thick glaze in the chimney or customers who only call us when their chimney will not function any more. As I said this is not the norm. In these situations we will charge more than our flat rate to reflect the extra time and skill involved. We have no way to foresee the condition of your chimney. We do not know the full work involved until the work is completed. In these rare situations you may be informed after the fact if an additional charge will be applied.
All adjustments, parts or repairs made while servicing will result in an additional charge. No warranty applies to gaskets, installation of gaskets, silicone applied to chimney flashings or adjustments of any kind.